Saturday, September 06, 2008

Tsukasa Hiiragi Figma Arrives

My Tsukasa Hiiragi Figma arrived today from Hobby Search. This was my first order from them and I am really pleased. From packaging to delivery was only 7 days, and the figure was well packaged. I have two other figmas on pre-order with them, and will likely do buisness with them again.

More after the jump...

Konota's happy to see her friend.

And quickly goes about freeing her from the box.

Tsukasa says "Konichiwa, Konota." as she sits up to look around.

Tsukasa and Konota greet each other.

But, suddenly Tsukasa sees something behind Konota.

The stormtrooper is back, having decided to take Konota by surprise while she was distracted with her friend.

Konota shows him what a mistake that was with a round house kick to the head.

Konota turns around to see Tsukasa oblivious to the situation and trying to figure out her American cell phone.

Get Tsukasa at J-List or Right Stuf

1 comment:

ClearTranquil said...

Congrats on getting it! I just got mine with Rin this week and did an outdoor shoot. Check it out if interested. ^^

PS: Love how Konata greets her out of


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