Hurricane Gustav is due to hit the coast of Louisiana on Monday, so it's been busy where I work with people buying batteries, flashlights, water, and other storm necessities. I live in the north-east part of Louisiana, but we're still expecting to get a lot of bad weather. A lot of people have been coming up from down south to avoid the brunt of the hurricane, and I hope the people who decide to stay and tough it out are ok.
More after the jump...
A Haurhi gashapon figure standing in front of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" Vol 1 Collectors box, which also came with a Haruhi~ism iron-on, pencil board, Cosplay hairband, and the Hare Hare Yukai CD.
Here are the other 3 figures from this gashapon set Santa Kyon, Reindeer Mikuru, and Yuki. This was my second set of gashapon figures. Because of that, I wasn't familiar with the leaning problems some figures have, so I didn't use the supports that came with them. Then one day I heard a crash and looked over to see Yuki had decided to take a nose dive off the top of my bookshelf. After bending her legs back into place I put the supports on each figure.
Yangus from Dragon Quest 8. I bought him because Suncoast Video was going out of business, and they had their merchandise 50% or more off. I had also bought a Chi wall scroll, but it's still the package, because I didn't have the wall space to hang it. Dragon Quest is the reason I enjoy playing RPG video games. It was the very first RPG I play back on the NES. It was called Dragon Warrior in the US. After that Final Fantasy came out, and I've been hooked on RPG's ever since. What was the first RPG you ever played?
Minas Tirith, this came with the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Collector's Edition. The city lifts up from the base to reveal a storage compartment. The Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings are some of my favorite books, and Peter Jackson did an outstanding job with the movie adaptations of Lord of the Rings. Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth), is supposed to be directing 2 Hobbit films, with Peter Jackson Producing. Only the first movie is going to be based on the Hobbit though. The second is going to an orginal story. You can get more info about The Hobbit film over at Ain't It Cool News.
The other items in the first pic of this post is a picture of me from the Star Wars attraction at Disney Studios Theme Park, and the other is a 12" C-3PO, with removable limbs and book collectors set. Well that's all for this post. It's late and I have to work an open to close shift tomorrow at work. I dread going with it being the day before Labor Day, but I can look forward to being off Monday!